Check and Test your Blueprint

Making an analysis pipeline blueprint is straightforward but it’s not always immediately obvious how complex or large your decision pipeline has become.

To help the user think through tweaking the blueprint, there are a handful of functions to help you quickly print out some metadata about your pipeline, such as how many total pipelines are there and how many have to with filtering alternatives or variable versions.

First, we create our pipeline:

# load libraries

# create some data
the_data <-
    id  = 1:500,
    iv1 = rnorm(500),
    iv2 = rnorm(500),
    iv3 = rnorm(500),
    mod = rnorm(500),
    dv1 = rnorm(500),
    dv2 = rnorm(500),
    include1 = rbinom(500, size = 1, prob = .1),
    include2 = sample(1:3, size = 500, replace = TRUE),
    include3 = rnorm(500)

# create a pipeline blueprint
full_pipeline <- 
  the_data |>
  add_filters(include1 == 0, include2 != 3, include3 > -2.5) |> 
  add_variables(var_group = "ivs", iv1, iv2, iv3) |> 
  add_variables(var_group = "dvs", dv1, dv2) |> 
  add_model("linear model", lm({dvs} ~ {ivs} * mod))

Blueprint metadata

There are a few detect_* functions for printing some metadata about your pipeline.

# Number of unique analysis pipelines
#> [1] 48

# Number of different versions of analysis variables
#> [1] 8

# Number of unique filtering criteria
#> [1] 8

# Number of unique models
#> [1] 1

If you have several filtering decisions, you can also print a summary of the sample sizes after each exclusion criteria is applied.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   filter_expression              variable n_retained n_excluded
#>   <chr>                          <chr>         <int>      <int>
#> 1 include1 == 0                  include1        451         49
#> 2 include1 %in% unique(include1) include1        500          0
#> 3 include2 != 3                  include2        340        160
#> 4 include2 %in% unique(include2) include2        500          0
#> 5 include3 > -2.5                include3        496          4
#> 6 include3 %in% unique(include3) include3        500          0

Once you are satisfied with your pipeline metadata, you can expand it and test it further. To do so, expand into a full decision grid.

expanded_pipeline <- expand_decisions(full_pipeline)

Test your blueprint

A multitool specification blueprint has a special feature: it captures your code and generates analysis pipelines.

A special set of functions with the show_code_* prefix allow you to see the code that will be executed for a single pipeline. For example, we can look at our filtering code for the first decision of our blueprint:

# Take a look at the first filter decision
expanded_pipeline |> show_code_filter(decision_num = 1, console = FALSE)
#> the_data |> 
#>   filter(include1 == 0, include2 != 3, include3 > -2.5)

These functions allow you to generate the relevant code along the analysis pipeline. For example, we can look at our model pipeline for decision 17 using show_code_model(decision_num = 17):

expanded_pipeline |> show_code_model(decision_num = 17, console = FALSE)
#> the_data |> 
#>   filter(include1 == 0, include2 %in% unique(include2), include3 > -2.5) |> 
#>   lm(dv1 ~ iv3 * mod, data = _)

Setting the copy argument to TRUE allows you to send the code straight to your clipboard. You can paste it into the source or console for testing/editing.